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Signs Your Dirty Air Ducts Are Impacting Your Health

Dirty air ducts are a major cause of indoor pollution. Dirty air ducts can lead to asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. They may also be the source of toxic chemicals that accumulate in your home’s interior environment.  If you’ve been feeling tired or having trouble breathing, your dirty air ducts could be to blame. In this article, we’ll cover signs your dirty air ducts might be impacting your health, and what you can do about it.

How Can Dirty Air Ducts Affect Your Health?

As mentioned, dirty air ducts can lead to indoor pollution. Here’s how:

Bacteria and fungi from dead vermin, insects, pollen, and mildew collect in the stagnant airflow of your central heating system. This causes a rise in household allergens such as mold spores and dust particles. The chemicals in the cooling coils of air conditioning systems combine with the stagnant airflow to form dangerous indoor air pollutants, such as suspended carbon particles and chemical vapors.

Uncirculated air is often polluted by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) originating from household products like paint thinners, nail polish remover, cleaning supplies, pesticides, etc. Even scented candles release toxins into the air.

When the heating and cooling systems in your home circulate these pollutants, they pollute your indoor air quality. This can lead to serious respiratory illnesses such as asthma and allergies.

People with allergies and asthma may find that their symptoms worsen when exposed to dirty indoor air. If you have a chronic respiratory illness, you should be especially proactive in limiting your exposure to toxins from dirty ducts.

Toxic Chemicals in Air Ducts

Ductwork is a reservoir for chemical vapors and suspended particles. When the air conditioner or heater is running, these chemicals are circulated into your home through the air ducts.

Some chemicals found in common household products like paint thinners and pesticides can be carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Even unvented appliances like gas stoves and kerosene heaters, which release carbon monoxide into the air, can be a major source of indoor chemical pollution.

Odors from household items like paint and scented candles may make their way through the dirty air ducts and out through your vents, making these odors a sign of a dirty air duct problem.

Sick Building Syndrome

Sick building syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs when occupants experience acute illness and discomfort that seems to be linked to time spent indoors, but can’t pinpoint an exact cause or culprit. Some of the most common symptoms are headache, fatigue, dry eyes and throat, stuffy nose, skin irritation, and coughing.

If you experience symptoms like these while at home, dirty air ducts could be to blame. Your indoor air quality could be polluted enough to make you sick.

Biological contaminants in your ductwork can cause respiratory problems, headaches, fatigue, nausea, allergic reactions, burning eyes, and nosebleeds. A professional will come into your home to clean the entire air duct system. Poor air quality from dirty ducts can also damage your HVAC system, leading to expensive maintenance and repairs.

Pet Dander in Air Ducts

Pet dander is one of the most common causes of allergies in pet owners. When your beloved furry friend licks or sheds, their unique proteins get dispersed into your home’s ductwork through the flow of air.

As you run your heating and cooling system, these proteins are circulated throughout the house. If you have a pet, the presence of pet dander in your air ducts is a strong indicator that your home’s indoor air quality isn’t adequate.

Mold in Air Ducts

Mold is another common cause of allergies. Dirty air ducts are often home to mold spores, which are one of the most hazardous forms of indoor air pollution. Mold grows in wet environments, particularly where there is stagnant airflow. That means that your dirty air ducts provide ideal conditions for mold growth.

If you see black spots or notice a musty odor coming from your vents, there could be mold in the ducts. If you do have mold in your air ducts, it must be professionally removed to prevent further growth.

Mold spores are especially harmful to people with asthma and chronic respiratory conditions. They can also pose serious health risks for infants and young children.

Toxic Fungi in Ducts

Fungal growth can also wreak havoc on your air ducts, especially if it is present due to a leaky HVAC system. When pipes and condensation pans become wet and stagnate, fungi and mildew grow.

These organisms produce allergy-causing mold spores and other harmful toxins that circulate through the air ducts as you run your HVAC system. If there is a fungal or mildew problem in your ductwork, it should be treated by a professional to prevent the further spread of this respiratory irritant.

What Can You Do? Hire a Professional!

If your air ducts are impacting your indoor air quality, it’s time to bring in a professional who knows how to conduct an air duct cleaning properly!  A professional can come into your home and clean your ductwork, filters, supply grills, and drain pans with a high-pressure hose.

An air duct cleaning can help restore healthful indoor air and improve the filtration system’s overall performance. It will also help clean up any biological contaminants that may be living in your ductwork, making your home safer for you and your family! Bye, poor air quality!

A professional cleaner will know how to clean your ducts and make sure the entire system is working properly. They’ll come in, check out your air ducts to determine what needs to be done, use a high-pressure hose to get everything looking good as new again, and leave you with cleaner air!

Air duct cleaning is not a DIY project. If you have air ducts that need attention, call in a professional to handle the job! Your air quality will improve and your HVAC system will last longer.


If you have any indication that your air ducts are dirty, call a professional cleaner to take care of the problem. Your air quality will improve and your HVAC system will last longer. Professional cleaners can make sure your entire HVAC system is clean and working properly. Make sure you take action if anything looks suspicious.  For more information, contact us today!

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